Launching a new rebrand and pattern library for a new era.

Landchecker needed a new brand to reflect the new direction the business was embarking on. A clean modern design was needed to replace the outdated original logo and branding. The new visual identity had to be optimised to reflect all our different persons types as how each group uses the platform differs vastly. This then needed to be translated into a pattern library that was consistent across the design and development team in order to reduce design and development time and friction in the handover process.

Implementing UX to drive B2B SaaS growth in the absence of a dedicated sales team

In the early days of Landchecker the product was free and the web application was accessible without having to login, heading over to would land you straight on the map application. This created problems as the business was tearing through its funding without a clear vision for how to commercialise. The team was set to uncover insights to help inform the direction to take.

Key Methodologies

From contextual inquiry to paper prototyping, read more about how I work here.

Developing a new feature to help customers collaborate making the platform more ‘sticky’

Coming Soon

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